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  • T3

    4/5 stars

    A striking design, customisability and comfort all add up, making this Asus ROG gaming chair a sound choice

    UNITED KINGDOM 06/06/2024
  • Gamesradar

    4 stars

    The best mesh gaming chair

    UNITED KINGDOM 12/21/2023
  • Dexerto

    4/5 stars

    The Destrier is easily one of the roomiest chairs we’ve personally had the pleasure of using.

    UNITED KINGDOM 09/05/2023
  • T3

    4 stars

    We really liked sitting in the Asus ROG Destrier Ergo: it's comfortable, it supports good posture, and you can adjust in all kinds of ways too.

    UNITED KINGDOM 08/27/2023
  • Gamesradar

    4 stars

    The best mesh gaming chair

    UNITED KINGDOM 07/19/2023
  • Gamesradar

    4 star

    GamesRadar+ "The Asus ROG Destrier Ergo chair is the latest in a new line of premium gaming chairs that promote supreme comfort while beautifully supporting your body. This might just be the best premium gaming chair on the marke,t"

    UNITED KINGDOM 06/12/2023
  • Games Radar

    4 stars

    The Asus ROG Destrier Ergo chair is the latest in a new line of premium gaming chairs that promote supreme comfort while beautifully supporting your body.

    UNITED KINGDOM 06/12/2023
  • allround-pc.com

    Allround PC Gaming Chairs Recommendation

    The ROG Destrier Ergo is a welcome change for the eye and the back from all the other gaming chairs that often prioritize a cool racing look over ergonomic features. It is a high-quality and very comfortable office chair with many adjustment options, some of which are especially designed for gaming.

    GERMANY 03/10/2023